Natascha Makoschey

Qualifikation und Beruf
- Pediatric nurse
- DAIS breastfeeding counselor
- Babywearing consultant at the Hamburg Babywearing School
- KinderBesserVerstehen course instructor according to Katharina Saalfrank
Aufgabe bei NK
- Tongue ligament outpatient clinic
- Breastfeeding outpatient clinic
Bei meiner Arbeit wichtig
My greatest concern is to help families to grow together and to organize their new everyday life on various levels so that the needs of all family members can be taken into account as far as possible. If breastfeeding is difficult and there is a suspicion of oral restriction, it is important to me to examine your baby lovingly, to explain things to you in detail and sensitively, to find practical solutions for your everyday life, to allow all feelings to be there and to accept that every family has to find and go its own way and to accompany this carefully.