after birth, Prevention

Outdoor: Workout with baby fitness and endurance training with a baby carrier or baby carriage.

Do you want to get fit again after the birth of your child, but don’t know how much you can exert yourself, what exercises you can do and don’t have much time with your child anyway?

No problem! At the Mama Workout, you meet up with other mothers in the park and are slowly introduced to training by competent trainers.

A mix of cardio and targeted strengthening exercises will help you to regain your fitness quickly.
The pelvic floor is systematically trained during the strengthening sessions. Areas of the body affected by pregnancy are strengthened and toned. Posture training during the exercises prevents bad posture and back pain
While you improve your fitness and well-being, your baby can enjoy the beautiful view or a nap.

This course can be attended after completing the postnatal course.
Ambitious sportswomen can also start parallel to the postnatal period.

The training takes place with your baby. You will meet up with other mothers either with your baby in the carrier or in the baby carriage. Please note the detailed descriptions under the respective offer.

This course format is offered by Neue Kölner e.V. and has been recognized by the statutory health insurance companies as a prevention course in accordance with § 20 of the German Social Security Code (SGB) V. Reimbursement is possible if you take part regularly.

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