Birth preparation courses

Course for women who are already mothers

This course offers you the opportunity to create space for the current pregnancy. Here you have the opportunity to devote yourself to your unborn child and leave everyday life behind. In a group of like-minded people, there is time for practical exercises and questions about birth, postpartum and sibling constellations. Exercises for body and breathing awareness as well as relaxation exercises contribute to calmness and inner peace and create confidence.

There are four evening sessions for women only. The afternoon together with your partner prepares you as a team for the birth and the first time afterwards and also prepares your partner for the upcoming changes.

The course fee for the pregnant woman is usually covered by her health insurance.
The additional costs for the partner can be found in the schedule. These are now also covered in full or in part by many health insurance companies.

Für diese Schwangerschaftswochen

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course instructors