General Terms and Conditions


  • Registration for our courses takes place exclusively via our homepage
  • You will receive an automated response to your registration from the booking portal immediately after booking. This makes your registration binding and obliges you to pay the course fees.
  • You will then receive a further, personally written email, usually within 1-3 working days. Make sure that the e-mail account you have provided can be reached and that the e-mail with more detailed information about your course can be sent to you.
  • If courses are fully booked, canceled or changed, we will contact you and try to offer you alternatives.
  • Billing of antenatal classes via the statutory health insurance fund:
  • Services that are provided on the basis of the contract for the provision of midwife assistance in accordance with §134a SGB V are billed directly by the midwife to your statutory health insurance provider. A receipt form is kept as proof of the hours used. This must be signed by the insured person during the course. The entitlement to fees also exists if the courses are held using communication media. .
  • In the following cases, the costs will not be covered by the statutory health insurance companies and you will then be billed privately as a self-payer 
  • :
  • – If no valid membership of the specified health insurance company can be established 
  • .
  • – If the service is used by several midwives and the reimbursable quotas are exceeded as a result. 
  • .
  • – Unattended classes and unacknowledged classes will be invoiced to you in accordance with the valid Private HebGV NRW, as these may not be invoiced directly by the midwife to the health insurance company. 
  • This also applies if a sick note is submitted. It is at the discretion of your health insurance fund whether you will be reimbursed by the fund on presentation of the invoice. In the event of late payment, a reminder fee of €5 is due for each reminder in addition to default interest.
  • Billing of birth preparation courses via private health insurance:
  • Privately insured participants will receive an invoice following the course in accordance with the valid Private HebGV NRW. The entitlement to fees also exists if the courses are held using communication media.
  • You are obliged to pay the invoice within 14 days, regardless of the reimbursement of your health insurance or subsidy. (§286 para. 3 BGB)
  • In the event of late payment, a reminder fee of €5 is due for each reminder in addition to interest on arrears.
  • Note: The numerous tariffs of private health insurers differ considerably in the scope of benefits and the amount of midwife assistance. The midwife has no knowledge of the content of the various insurance tariffs. insurance tariffs.
  • Partner fees for antenatal classes:
  • The partner fee is payable in advance. We will inform you of the payment modalities with the registration confirmation. After the course you will receive a receipt for the amount due for submission to your health insurance company. The health insurance companies are not obliged to cover the costs. Fortunately, most insurance companies now do.

Billing of postnatal courses via statutory health insurance:

The courses consist of an attendance part of 8×75 minutes and a self-study program. The attendance hours are billed by the midwife in accordance with the NRW midwifery fee schedule. 8 exercise cards are included in the self-learning program, on each of which an exercise is shown and described in detail, as well as 8 video sequences with increasing levels of difficulty. A fee is payable to Neue Kölner eV and will be collected by direct debit.

In the following cases, the costs of the attendance lessons are not covered by the statutory health insurance companies and you will be billed privately as a self-payer:

– If no valid membership of the specified health insurance company can be established.

– If the service is used by several midwives and the reimbursable quotas are exceeded as a result.

– Unattended classes and unacknowledged classes will be invoiced to you in accordance with the valid Private HebGV NRW, as these cannot be invoiced directly by the midwife to the health insurance company. This also applies if a sick note is submitted. It is at the discretion of your health insurance fund whether you will be reimbursed by the fund on presentation of the invoice. In the event of late payment, a reminder fee of €5 is due for each reminder in addition to interest on arrears.
Billing of postnatal courses via private health insurance:

The courses consist of an 8×75 minute attendance part and a self-study program. Privately insured participants will receive an invoice from the midwife leading the course for the attendance hours in accordance with the valid Private HebGV NRW. The entitlement to fees also exists if the courses are held using communication media.

You are obliged to pay the invoice within 14 days, regardless of the reimbursement of your health insurance or subsidy. (§286 para. 3 BGB)

In the event of late payment, a reminder fee of €5 is due for each reminder in addition to interest on arrears.

Note: The numerous tariffs of private health insurers differ considerably in the scope of benefits and the amount of midwife assistance. The midwife has no knowledge of the content of the various insurance tariffs. insurance tariffs.    

The self-study program includes 8 exercise cards, each of which shows and describes one exercise in detail, as well as 8 video sequences in increasing difficulty levels. There is a fee for this, which is payable to Neue Kölner eV and collected by direct debit.

Prevention courses

The course fee is due in advance and will be collected from your account by direct debit at the start of the course. In the last lesson you will receive a certificate of attendance according to the attendance list for submission to your health insurance company. As a rule, costs will be reimbursed if you have attended at least 80% of the course times.

  Please ask your health insurance company beforehand

Due to the large number of health insurance companies and their various and constantly changing regulations, we are unfortunately unable to provide any binding information on the subsidy behavior of the health insurance companies. This applies to the partner fee for birth preparation, postnatal courses (until the end of 12/2023) and prevention courses. The AOK Hamburg/Rhineland even pays for baby massage, for example. We recommend that you ask your health insurance provider whether and to what extent an event is subsidized – all relevant course and instructor information can be found on our website.

What is usual?

Attendance of at least 80% of the course duration is required for the prevention courses to be subsidized by the health insurance company.

There are no guidelines for the partner fee.

Attendance is recorded by the course leader in every lesson. You will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the course.

  For all other courses: 

Please refer to your registration confirmation, which will be sent to you by email, for the payment details of your booked course. d. As a rule, the fees are collected by Neue Kölner e.V. via a one-off direct debit after the start of the course. Please note that course fees for missed lessons will not be refunded.       


Cancellations must generally be made in writing The date of receipt by the club is decisive . you will receive a confirmation of withdrawal from us by e-mail .

up to 2 weeks before the start of the course: processing fee for courses 10.00 euros/ for individual events 5.00 euros 

  • less than 2 weeks before the start of the course or in the event of no-show or premature termination of participation, the full participation fee must be paid – if a substitute participant is provided, only the processing fee of 10.00 euros will be charged.
  • The withdrawal conditions also apply in the event of illness 
  • Cancellations or re-registrations with the course instructor are invalid. 
  • In the event of incorrect account details and/or insufficient funds, the participant shall bear the subsequent costs for the return debit note in the amount of 9.00 euros (6.00 euros bank charges + 3.00 euros processing fee) 
  • if you can be accepted into your desired course via the waiting list, you must remember to cancel any courses booked later in good time in accordance with the above conditions. 
  • Otherwise we reserve the right to charge you the fees.


For important reasons, events may be held with a different leader than advertised. This does not give rise to any right of withdrawal. This also applies if the event was announced with this name. For objective reasons and to a reasonable extent, Neue Kölner e.V. may change the place and time of an event. Due to the current corona pandemic, we may hold courses virtually. Course participants will be informed of this in good time. If an event has to be canceled for reasons for which Neue Kölner e.V. is not responsible (e.g. due to illness of the course instructor), it can be made up for or held by a substitute. However, there is no entitlement to this. Neue Kölner e.V. will not pay compensation for travel costs in the event of the course being canceled. 


  • Please note our quality standards.
  • Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received.
  • Before registering, please check with your health insurance company to see if and to what extent a subsidy is possible.
  • Anyone can take part if there are no health concerns. If you are unsure, we recommend that you have yourself examined by a doctor before the start of the course.
  • No liability is accepted for the checkroom in the changing rooms or for accidents (physical injury, damage to property and financial loss), misfortune, loss, delays or other irregularities. 
  • If individual course dates are canceled and make-up dates are offered, there is no entitlement to a (pro rata) refund of course fees. 
  • All information is subject to change without notice.


  • By registering, you agree that your registration data will be stored electronically. We observe the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act and the Teleservices Data Protection Act, also to protect the data from access by third parties. We use the data exclusively for our own purposes.
  • You have the option at any time to obtain information about the data stored about you and to request the deletion of this data.
  • If your data changes, in particular your address, e-mail address, contact number or bank details, you are obliged to inform us as the provider if the processing of the course is affected by the change.


  • The contractual relationship between us and the customer shall be governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of performance for all obligations of both parties to the contract and the place of jurisdiction for all disputes in connection with this contract shall be the city of Cologne. We are also entitled to take legal action at the customer’s registered office.
  • The invalidity of individual provisions of this contract shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the existence of the contract as a whole. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes closest to the economic content of the invalid provision, unless dispositive statutory law applies. The same applies in the event of a loophole.
  • Neue Kölner e.V. reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions with effect for the future.