How do I register for courses?

You can get an overview of the courses here and register easily and directly online.

When can I register for the courses?

Please register as early as possible, this makes it easier for us to plan. You can also register for courses after the birth during your pregnancy. Just note the recommended start times after the birth.

When should I attend a birth preparation course?

Depending on the course, it makes sense to attend between the 28th and 36th week of pregnancy. This can be seen in the timeline under the respective course description.

Are the dates for antenatal acupuncture also subject to the terms and conditions of Neue Kölner e.V.?


Although you book the appointments via the homepage, the GTC do not apply in the event of non-attendance or premature birth.

You only ever pay for the appointment on which you are actually present.

When can I start postnatal gymnastics after the birth?

We recommend attending from approx. 6-8 weeks after the birth.

The statutory health insurance companies usually cover the costs if you complete the course within the first 9 months after the birth. If you are privately insured, it is best to ask in advance whether this service will be covered.

Billing for postnatal courses

The courses offered by Neue Kölner e.V. are run exclusively by specialized professionals. Almost all postnatal courses are led by midwives.

The courses consist of an attendance part of 8×75 minutes and a self-study program. The attendance hours are billed by the midwife in accordance with the NRW midwife fee schedule. The self-study program includes 8 exercise cards, each showing and describing one exercise in detail, as well as 8 video sequences of increasing difficulty. There is a fee for this, which is payable to Neue Kölner eV and is collected by direct debit.

Are the costs of the courses covered by health insurance?

There is a statutory entitlement to midwife assistance for pregnant women, mothers and, since January 1, 2013, also for babies. This also includes the attendance hours of postnatal gymnastics. The price for the self-study program is additionally charged by Neue Kölner.

Partner contributions are increasingly being covered in full or in part by health insurance companies as a gesture of goodwill.

Some courses are certified as prevention courses. Here too, the course fee will be partially or fully reimbursed by your health insurance company. Further offers may be entered in your bonus booklet. Your health insurance company will be happy to advise you.

How and when do we have to pay for the courses?

After your registration you will receive a confirmation email with the respective payment modalities. The birth preparation courses are billed directly to the health insurance company for participants with statutory health insurance. Course fees for other offers and course fees for the partner are due in advance. You will always find the billing modalities on your course confirmation.

How do I find out if I have been allocated a place on a course?

After booking via the homepage, you will receive an automated confirmation. You will also receive another e-mail from us. In the case of antenatal and postnatal courses, attachments will also be sent, so please check your SPAM folder if necessary.

How do I find a course if the course I want is already fully booked?

If we cannot confirm a course because it is already fully booked, we will try to offer you alternatives.

If a course is fully booked, how likely is it that I can move up from the waiting list?

Unfortunately, this cannot be said in advance. All participants on the waiting list will be informed at the same time if a place becomes available.

The first person to respond will get the place. You can also register on several waiting lists. This is non-binding and free of charge.

I have not received any confirmation. Does this mean that I have not been allocated a place on a course?

You will receive an automated response from our booking platform after booking.

We will also send you a personal reply email. Please also check your spam folder. Otherwise, please contact us to make sure that you have all the necessary information about your booked course before it starts.

What happens if I can’t take part in the course after all?

If you cancel up to 14 days before the start of the course or if the course place can still be allocated, you will pay a processing fee of €10.00. In the event of a later withdrawal, if the course place can no longer be allocated, the entire course fee will be retained. Please also read our terms and conditions.

Can I also purchase vouchers for courses?

You can easily buy a voucher at https://www.neue-koelner.de/kurse-und-angebote/gutscheine-erwerben/.

If you wish, we can also send you a beautifully designed voucher card by post. Simply send us an e-mail telling us who you want to give the gift to and the address where the voucher can be sent.

The person receiving the gift will then book the desired course via our booking system. A short email is then required so that we can offset the voucher against the course fee. If there is any remaining credit, this can also be used for other courses. No fees will be paid out. The vouchers cannot be redeemed for courses with our cooperation partners.

Can I also register for the birth at Neue Kölner e.V.?

No, you can register for the birth directly in the delivery room. Please make an appointment online from the 30th week of pregnancy at https://www.severinskloesterchen.de/medizin/geburtshilf/geburtsanmeldung . You can come to the antenatal clinic in person for this appointment.     

Does Neue Kölner e.V. also provide midwives for postnatal care?

Here you can find a list of midwives from the delivery room team and the parenting school who also offer additional early professional services:


If you can’t find what you are looking for on the list, there is the Cologne postpartum service. You can easily book appointments here. These appointments take place on the premises of Neue Kölner e.V.. This service is also covered by health insurance.

Here is the link to the Cologne puerperium: https://koelner-wochenbett.de/

How can I contact Neue Kölner e.V. if I have questions and would like personal advice?

We have a telephone consultation twice a week. You can also leave a message on the answering machine or ask us to call you back by e-mail. Please be sure to state when and on which number we can reach you!

Phone: 0221/16847830 Mail address: elternschule@neue-koelner.de

Does Neue Kölner e.V. have parking spaces for course participants?

Thanks to our close cooperation with the Severinsklösterchen, we have been able to provide parking for evening courses after 6 p.m. and on Saturdays. For courses where this option is available, participants will be informed by email before the course starts.   

I think your offer is great. Can I support the Neue Kölner e.V.?

We look forward to your feedback and wishes, your comments and pictures on Facebook and Instagram, but of course also to monetary donations.